Sunday, February 10, 2013

So It begins - Malibu Lagoon Battles - 2013

Last week, local Malibu resident Wendi Werner, an opponent of the Malibu Lagoon Restoration, stated in her letter to the Surfside News that "water quality and sediment at the Lagoon has been ignored." 

The truth is, NOTHING has been ignored! 

( see the video above and more on our You Tube detailing the dewatering process on the Malibu Lagoon Restoration Project )

There was extensive water testing done on site and the data providing the results was released regularly.

The results of the water tests can be found on our site as well as the City of Malibu website.

State parks has not done any digging on the eastern bank of the lagoon and therefore is not responsible for fine sediments on the eastern side of the lagoon that are transported in from the ocean or down Malibu Creek from adjacent properties and upstream cities. 

No work has been done in the main lagoon and therefore State Parks is not required to monitor where no work has occurred or where no impacts will be created by the project. 

There is a very robust monitoring program that will absolutely determine if fine sediments are accumulating into the restoration area. Additionally,monitoring sites will be in the main lagoon outside of the construction area to determine what if any changes are occurring in the main lagoon. 

The City does not have to monitor the opposite bank of the creek when they built legacy park, but they do monitor in front of their discharge pipes where they are likely to have an influence.

Wendi Werner says, "When the lagoon was to be enhanced, or restored, it was because of sediment buildup that was causing eutrophication".

That is completely false.

The lagoon was restored because of horrendous circulation and tidal inundation. Poor tidal inundation leads to the inability of the Lagoon to flush out fine sediments and decaying organic matter which is what created that stinky black muck that was removed from the channels. Nutrients (fertilizers) attach to fine sediments and then are released into the water column after being submerged for some time. The eutrophication is caused by the combination of high nutrients mainly from upstream sources. These sources will be ratcheted down to comply with TMDL requirements and State and Federal Law. Additionally, the improved tidal flushing and circulation will create less fine sediments (silts and clays) and more coarse sediments (like sand) which sequester much fewer nutrients.

Wendi Werner claims "the Lagoon will have to be redredeged."  

 The new configuration and improved tidal flushing will minimize or eliminate the accumulation of fine sediments according to the modeling. Rindge dam is currently not blocking fine sediments as the dam is full. The improved circulation and tidal influence and coarser grain size sediments will also enhance the suffering and desperate biological communities.

Wendi Werner states "The Malibu Lagoon Restoration received 2.2 million dollars for clean water, yet this project is not about clean water at all."

Another completely FALSE statement. 

The bond money received came from the same pot that built Legacy Park and other projects and the funds can be used for habitat restoration as well as water quality improvement. By the way, the lagoon project accomplishes both by reducing fine sediments that sequester nutrients and improving dissolved oxygen both measures of water quality.

Additionally, Wendi Werner states : "State Parks received millions from the California Coastal Conservancy to do studies for hydrology for the breach at the lagoon.".

No funds have been received  to study the breach at the lagoon. but there are  funds for  studies about the lagoon’s flora and fauna, water quality and the circulation issues.

Wendi Werner goes on "Since the meeting at the L.A. County Board of Supervisors hearing in January, many other additions to the initiative have been added, such as clean air projects, more restoration for wetlands, education amenities, ball fields, cul -tural heritage. bla, bla, bla. This is not for clean water and is fabricated by the environmental groups". 
For the record, environmental groups did not create this proposal, this has been done by the Countyof LA.!!

Wendi pleads "I cannot be the only voice that keeps bringing these points up. I need help."

It seems that Wendi Werner's voice is the only voice that is consistently distorting the truth of which the local papers and news sources continue to distribute without investigating the facts. This is not only irresponsible it is enabling Wendi Werner's repeated attempts to sabotage any efforts by the EPA , Fish and Game, surfers, biologists, marine environmentalists and water enthusiasts to keep our waterways and oceans clean and healthy! Does she actually have any solutions that will improve water quality? Or does she want water quality to continue to be a health hazard to wildlife and humans?


  1. Analysing this latest spewage by W, she obviously feels outclassed, outnumbered, and outsmarted by her opponents, and also feels outcast by her former minion-masters that have obviously thrown her under a bus. Still, she squirms and writhes in some kind of delusional sense of self-importance.

    Fucking pathetic!

  2. Roy, Marcia, care to come to Wendi's defense? Oh, that's right, every one of your arguments have been thoroughly discredited. Here's a suggestion: Put Wendi out of her misguided misery by telling her the truth.

  3. Marcia and Roy have migrated south from Malibu Lagoon. Now they are bent on disrupting restoration of Ballona Wetlands.

  4. Hey Wendi,

    Do you know all of the srorm drains that discharge into Malibu Lagoon, Malibu Creek, and all of it's tributaries, and the water quality that spews from them? I do.

    Hey Wendi,

    Do you know what lives in every pool and riffle in Malibu Creeak and all of it's tributaries? I do.

    Hey Wendi,

    Do you know all of the sediment sources in Malibu Creek and all of it's tributaries? I do.

    Hey Wendi,

    Do you know exactly where steelhead trout and tidewater gobies live in Malibu? I do.

    Hey Wendi,

    Why do you believe that any of your opinions based on BS contribute to rational discussions about environmental issues in Malubu?
