Monday, July 8, 2013

State Showers Surfers with a Stainless Steal Gift!

Here is a picture of the first Surfer getting a rinse from the newly installed shower at the Malibu  Lagoon parking lot. The old shower was donated by the Malibu Surfing Association and Santa Monica Bay Keeper which was vandalized many times and out of use for the last year. State Parks put this shower in for Surfers to use but does not have the budget to maintain it should it continue to be vandalized. Visitors  have also been stealing sprinkler heads along the path to third point. A warning to those in the area that are suspected of vandalizing state property that fines and punishment can be tough if convicted. 


1 comment:

  1. Malibu Lagoon keeps getting better and better, both for nature and for humans. Visitors are treated to many lovely surprises with every visit. The old West Channels were an embarrassment to CA State Parks. The new West Channels are a prime example to the World how we can undo our past mistakes and bring beauty and thriving ecosystems back to our communities.
